All Registration forms and payments (both online and mailed in) must be received by Thursday, May 15th at midnight.
PAYMENTS can be made online through PAYPAL (see form below), OR by MONEY ORDER or CHECK made payable to KKY, and mailed to: Sensei Miller-Feinstein, 100 Sugar Maple Ave., Newfoundland, NJ 07435. Please include competitor name and Divisions.
Registrations and/or payments received after the deadline will incur a $20 late fee per competitor.
At the door registration is between 7:30 and 8:00 am and will also incur a $20 late fee per competitor. Check, money order and cash payments will be accepted at the door.
Refund Policy: There will be no refunds of entry fees. Non-refundable fees will be donated to Koei-Kan Karate-Do and applied to tournament expenses. We appreciate your donation.
We are committed to maintaining the accuracy, confidentiality, and security of your personally identifiable information ("Personal Information"). As part of this commitment, our privacy policy governs our actions as they relate to the collection, use and disclosure of Personal Information. Your information will be used exclusively for the purposes of running this Taikai event and will not be shared or otherwise distributed to third parties.
White Belt
Black Belt
Family Competitor Fees (These fees are for EACH INDIVIDUAL family member)
Yudansha competing in the Kaloudis Cup are not eligible to complete in any other Kata or Weapons divisions.
They may, however, compete in Kumite or Bogu. (click here for Kaloudis Cup Rules)
All completed applications received by Friday, Apr 25th, will be eligible for a special prize drawing.
Adults - $10.00, Children - $6.00. Children 4 and under - FREE
IMPORTANT: Online Spectator tickets can ONLY be purchased at the same time as the Competitor payment is completed, on the form below, after the Competitor registers online. Other payment options are via snail mail (see below), or at the door.
Money order or check made payable to KKY, to: Sensei Miller-Feinstein, 100 Sugar Maple Ave., Newfoundland, NJ 07435. Please include Spectator names and ages. Snail mail ticket requests must be received no later than Friday, April 25th. Spectators who pre-pay should check in at the Spectators Desk upon arrival.
Please fill out the form below after you have completed your Competitor registration to make a payment online. Online Competitor and Spectator payments (if applicable) must be made together. Online payments can only be made in conjunction with online registrations. If snail mailing in a Competitor registration, please pay for both Competitor and Spectator(s) by mail.
To pay online, carefully determine the total cost due for that Competitor (plus Spectators, if applicable) based on the pricing information provided. Incorporate family discounts accordingly, using the grid above. Don't leave any spaces blank. For example, you may use "none" in the Spectator field and zeros (0) if you are not paying for Spectator tickets.
If you have forgotten your username and/or password, enter your email address below and we will send them to you.